Just like magic, VIPs and tastemakers descended on New York City venue The Box with less than 24 hours notice for a mysterious show last night. Jay-Z’s rumored appearance drew throngs of Roc throwers, yet it wasn’t that Jay who ended up rocking the crowd.

The Friday night audience was amazed yet confused as a magic show unraveled before their eyes. The sultry entertainment included a hula hooper, gymnast, dart throwers, and a human slinky. Then the curtain slowly opened revealing the master of ceremonies, Jay-Z.

“I hope with all of this to bring the magic back into hip-hop, all of the love, the wizardry,” said Hov. He then explained the real reason he gathered everyone in the room. “This next wizard that I am about to introduce is very exciting. He goes by the name of Jay Electronica.”

The big news—Jay Electronica is the newest member of Roc Nation. The suited rapper then proved why, stopping often to repeat himself slowly so that everyone would listen. Songs like “Dear Moleskine,” “Exhibit A (Transformations),” and “Exhibit C” showed his strength. One rhyme he spat, “I’m not Illuminati but my eye is on the money,” caused a collective “Ohhh!” In 15 minutes flat, he turned everyone into Jay-lievers—all without a magic wand.

–Tanya Remekie