Kanye West and Kim Kardashian will be spending the holidays in the hospital. The couple is expecting their second child on Christmas Day.
According to TMZ, Kim’s due date is Dec. 25. Sources close to Kimye say doctors have back timed the date of conception and determined that their son will be born on the holiday.
While the due date could change, Kim reportedly has a dangerous condition where the placenta grows too deeply into the uterus, so doctors are planning for a natural birth on Christmas Day. However, a C-section might need to happen for safety reasons.
TMZ adds that Kim and Kanye have already booked a Deluxe Maternity Suite at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A., where their two-year-old daughter North West was also born.
On Father’s Day, Kim announced that the couple was expecting a baby boy. “You’re such a good daddy to North & you will be the best daddy to our new son too!” tweeted Kim.