Fake Drake wants to get in the ring with real Drake.

The internet famous impersonator, who goes by IzzyyDrake on Instagram, is challenging his idol to a $1 million “friendly boxing match.”

According to TMZ, boxing promoter Damon Feldman of Celebrity Boxing signed the Drake look-alike and booked a fight for an Aug. 27 event, whether Drake fights him or not.

If fake Drake wins, Izzyy wants Drake to pay him $1 million and sign him to OVO Sound. If fake Drake is knocked out, he has agreed to stop impersonating the real Drake.

Fake Drake, who also hails from Toronto, has been making a career off impersonating the “Jimmy Cooks” rapper. He has been releasing his own music, including his recent single “Attack of the Clones,” and reportedly gets paid $5000 for appearances.

The self-proclaimed “viral overnight” sensation, who has 150,000 Instagram followers, claims that Drake is not concerned about his imposter. “Drake was just like, ‘It doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t affect me, let the guy get his bag. It isn’t affecting me,’” he told the “No Jumper” podcast. “He didn’t really give a f**k.”

But not everyone has welcomed him. Fake Drake was recently kicked out of one of Drake’s favorite Houston nightclubs for impersonating the 6 God. The real Drake seemed to approve by liking the headline on Instagram.