Friday (Dec. 29) afternoon, Issa Rae shared an instantly viral video on her Instagram Story that unveiled her resolutions for her and her newly launched wine company, Viarae. In the new clip, the famed multihyphenate states, “In 2024, next year, I am about to be so much better. That text, responded to. That email, answered. That project, finished. That other project, started.”
She makes these powerful proclamations while holding a glass of her new prosecco. She finished the new mantra by saying, “That book, read. That n**ga, dealt with. That problem, not mine. Cheers to a much better 2024.” She followed her impressive new list of resolutions by sipping some sparkling wine.
Rae is known for being a trailblazer and an inspiration to many. In a recent press release, the lead star and director of “Insecure” described her excitement for her new brand by stating, “I am thrilled to share my love of Prosecco with everyone through Viarae. It’s carefully crafted, deliciously crisp and the perfect beverage to celebrate La Dolce Vita.”
The Little star recently made waves after she discussed her plan to reunite the fan bases of Cardi B, Megan Thee Stallion and Nicki Minaj using her show “Rap Sh!t.” When asked about the plan, she said, “There’s a list. We want [Megan]. We want Cardi. Nicki [Minaj] would be a nice little tie-around. If we could unite them — maybe in season three — we can unite the fan bases.” The popular show is currently about to start filming its third season.
Rae and her love for music has been well documented. Earlier this year, her indie label Raedio inked a partnership with Def Jam Records to sign, market and distribute artists through Def Jam’s network and its affiliates.
Additionally, the arrangement allows signees to explore opportunities in film, television production and talent management through Hoorae Media, which the company is a part of.